Free PHP Petition Signing Script Release

To Download the Free php petition script click here

File Size: 15kb

File Type: zip

File List: List of the files in the petition zip

Author: Spencer

The Script

I’ve created a PHP and MySQL based script which allows you to create multiple petition’s for users which they will be able to sign on your site. Currently everything for a basic petition script works which is great! This small script didn’t take very long to be honest but your feedback and donations are welcome. Your emails are welcomed too. There are alot of scripts out there that want you to pay and don’t do the job correctly. Now you can just download my free PHP and MySQL petition script! (see above).

By making it free to download i expect you to respect that it is released under the creative commons license here:

So if you are redistributing the PHP petition script always keep the license information with it, and a link back to:


Here are a few screen shots of the petition script pages, all styles can be changed in the style css file.

Click to Enlarge

Topic entries petition script admin panel export petition entries


It only takes a few minutes to install the script

To install “signing petition system php script” do the following:

1. Upload the files via FTP to your web hosting.

2. Create a MySQL database and import import.sql

3. CHMOD the folder reports to writable.

4. Edit sqlconnection.php and put the database information in.

5. The default username and password is ‘admin’ and ‘password’ change this in your mysql database.

Note: You may want to change the style, edit style.css

Version 1 of the PHP Petition Signing Script

Features Implemented:

  • Add a Petition / Topic
  • Sign a Petition / Topic
  • Administrator Login
  • Delete Petition / Topic
  • Delete Signature / a signed entry
  • Export petition entries into an .xls excel or spreadsheet file

Features not yet implemented:

  • Adding and removing User’s
  • Removing users
  • Access levels

Your feedback is always appreciated, ideas and suggestions are welcomed.
Enjoy the petition script!

One Reply to “Free PHP Petition Signing Script Release”

  1. I would love to see crysis co op to be honest i think it would be awesome to be able to play the game with a friend or other .multiplayer online was cool but single player was way better just wish i could play with a friend.

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