RageZone Hacked, Gaming Site.
Ragezone Defaced
At 18:30 GMT on the 27th of October Ragezone had been defaced by hackers.
The hackers part of the hacking group The Defaced(TD for short), hacked this enourmous gaming site, #8,216 most visited site at the time of writing.
Ragezone supports many different type of games and have their own servers for some, most well known for the forums it has on MMO’s.
If you were visiting ragezone between 18:30 GMT and 18:34, you would have seen what it looked like, if not view the screenshot i took below.
click to enlarge
And on the website at the bottom it read… View Source…
So here it is:
<title>Hacked by TheDefaced</title>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″>
<meta name=”description” content=”This website was hacked by TheDefaced.org”/>
<meta name=”keywords” content=”Defaced, Hacking, Phreaking, Cracking, Spying, Espionage, Sniffing, Spoofing, Hijacking, Security, DNS, WWW, Hacked, Cracked, Spoofed, Sniffed, Elite, 1337, DeadlyData, rooting, hack, attack, nulled, irc, network”/>
<body bgcolor=”#282727″ leftmargin=”0″ topmargin=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″>
<table align=”center” id=”Table_01″ width=”270″ height=”367″ border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″>
<a href=”http://thedefaced.org/forum”><img src=”images/TheDefaced_01.gif” width=”270″ height=”301″ alt=”TheDefaced” border=”0″></td>
<a href=”http://thedefaced.org/forum”><img src=”images/TheDefaced_02.gif” alt=”TheDefaced.org” width=”270″ height=”66″ border=”0″></a><!—- DeadlyData, “Security is no more than an illusion” —-!>
<!—- Kr3w, “Net Watch” —-!>
<!—- DeadlyData & Kr3w triumph again —-!><!—— S(s) to the rest of the TD crew, The />/\/ Crew, sToRm, Caali, KOrUPt, x2Fusion, daffy duck, Sean, RoMeO, VisiOn, GraphiK, Hisai and all you fags who were forgotten. ——-!>
<!—- Don’t you bitches just love hidden comments? —-!>
<img src=”http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/8553/ofctdku1.png”><br><font color=”white”>View source…</font>
Why did they target the gaming site ragezone?
My impression was to get noticed, Rage Zone is a pretty big site, with thousands of visitors a day this would be an easy way to direct traffic to them, notice their url everywhere.
It could be just for fun, or had a grudge against someone at ragezone who knows.
Is your site in danger? It might just be.