Crysis Wars
Crysis War’s is the multiplayer version of Crysis, and Crysis Warhead. This version is said to be a whole new game within itself (stand alone in-fact)Download the Crysis wars trailer below.
Right-click save file as here to download the crysis wars HD Trailer
Crysis Wars
First of all Crysis Wars will be shipped as part of Crysis: Warhead, there are many new features in Crysis War’s, see the following:-
- Team Instant Action – Crysis Wars has added a new multplayer mode since Crysis’s average multiplayer, this is called team instant action (TIA for short). This should be like the previous “Instant Action” but allowing you to fight in teams. It will include a intelligent spawn system that will insure you will spawn by your allies.
- New Maps – Crytek have added new maps to our multiplayer experience, 21 maps in total and 7 New never seen before maps. The new maps have been designed to Create vertical gameplay which means you’ll have not only to watch your backs, but keep your head’s up!
- Original Maps – The Original maps have been modded and changed around, more optimized than before some entirley revamped.
- New HUD elements – New HUD elements have been implemented, including a kill count on your opponent to see how many times you’ve owned him!
Crysis warhead release date is tomorrow, so dont forget so is Crysis War’s!